
Bootstrapped Giants

It’s your turn. Who are you?

Published about 1 month ago • 1 min read

After I sold my first company, Ampush, I promised myself that whatever I did next would maximize my purpose vs maximize my bank account.

After a year of working through this with my coach, my WHY became clear:

To create space for others to learn/grow through the power of entrepreneurship.

If you ask anyone who knows me well, or who has met me, they'll tell you I'm eager to help people learn and grow.

My “dojo” of choice is the entrepreneurial journey. Because it's what I know and (like running a marathon), it's SUPER challenging.

It stretches you.

So If you want to know WHY I do anything (Gateway X, this newsletter, etc), that is what’s behind it.

Of course, I want to make money, drive impact and have success.

But I’ve found all of that fleeting and unsatisfying. Helping others sustains me.

To that end - I want to HEAR from YOU.

I want to understand your challenges, what would make this the best newsletter you read, and how I can help YOU learn/grow via entrepreneurship?

Instead of spending the next 10 mins reading one of my emails, I want you to hit reply and share your struggles, what you’re working on, or burning questions.

I’ll reply to every email and turn many of your questions into future editions.



Bootstrapped Giants

Jesse Pujji

Bootstrapped to an 8 figure exit @ampush. Now building a $1B+ bootstrapped venture studio @GatewayX and sharing everything I learn along the way.

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